Leslie A Spurlock
Photojournalist for Zuma Press, photographer, storm chaser, and humanitarian, Leslie Spurlock has been capturing stunning pictures across the globe for almost 30 years. With her unique style and one of kind shots she is captivating audience all over the world. She has covered stories from the USA, to the Amazon, and Haiti, taking breathtaking pictures wherever she goes. She can capture truth, beauty, and the heart of humanity across the globe with her candid shots.
Leslie began her career living with the rebels in Haiti, and she ended up there 6 times covering different events. She then went on to shoot wedding photography for 14 years, photographing wedding around the world.
She has been published worldwide including in Time, Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, NY Post, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Miami Herald, Austin American Statesman, Daily Mail, ABC, CNN, Yahoo and many more.
She embarked in the nft world at the end of the year in 2021, and has become an accomplished seller and collector. It is within the world of nfts where she truly found her community and her passion for art. Her nfts have sold to some of the most prolific collectors and have been displayed in galleries around the world numerous times.
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